Biggest Mistakes Ecommerce Brands Make When Starting Out

Starting an ecommerce business is an exciting venture filled with potential, but it's also fraught with pitfalls. Many new ecommerce brands make critical mistakes that can hinder their growth or even lead to failure. Here are some of the biggest mistakes to avoid when starting out in the ecommerce world: 

1. Buying Too Much Inventory

One of the most common mistakes new ecommerce brands make is purchasing too much inventory upfront. While it might seem like a good idea to have plenty of stock on hand, this can actually tie up a significant amount of cash. This cash could be better utilised in other areas of the business that contribute more directly to growth and scaling. It's important to start with a manageable amount of inventory and scale up as demand increases.

2. Jumping Straight into Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be tempting for new brands, but it often leads to overspending. Many brands invest more than they can afford in influencer partnerships, hoping for a quick boost in brand awareness. However, at the beginning, the primary focus should be on conversion rather than awareness. The initial phase of a new business is a testing period to determine if the product will sell. It's essential to allocate resources towards strategies that directly impact sales and conversions before diving into expensive marketing campaigns.

3. Miscalculating the Total Cost of Products

Another critical mistake is failing to accurately calculate the overall cost of getting a product from the supplier to the customer. Many new brands only consider the cost of goods and domestic shipping, neglecting other operational and marketing expenses. These can include international freight costs, ecommerce platform subscription fees (like Shopify), and advertising costs (such as Meta ads). Without a comprehensive understanding of these expenses, brands may find themselves spending more than they earn, leading to little or no profit.


Avoiding these common mistakes can set your ecommerce brand on the path to success. By managing inventory wisely, focusing on conversion before brand awareness, and accurately calculating all costs, you can ensure a healthier cash flow and a more sustainable business model. Starting an ecommerce business is a journey, and careful planning and strategic decision-making can make all the difference.

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